Snyder Swimming Pools Fun Pass

Snyder Swimming Pools Fun Pass

Fun Pass Loyalty Program

As a valued customer of Snyder Pools, we would be delighted to enroll you in our Customer Fun Pass Loyalty Program. It’s easy, fast and free! How does it work?

  • The sales associate will register your Fun Pass card to your name in the database

  • Earn one “Loyalty Point” for every dollar you spend*

  • Present the card for qualifying purchases* and start earning

*See the restrictions listed below to determine qualifying purchases. What are the benefits?

  • It’s free to sign up

  • So small it fits right on your key chain – you’ll never leave home without it

  • Once you reach a threshold of 500 points, you will receive a $5.00 coupon

  *Only valid on in-store, in-stock taxable purchases up to $1,500.00. Pools, hot tubs, saunas, installation of equipment, labor, and sale items are excluded from Fun Pass Loyalty Point redemption.

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