Hot Tubs FAQs
Initial Startup & Water Refill Guide
For the most accurate water test results, bring a water sample into the retail store to be tested. We recommend bringing in a water sample once a month. Fill your hot tub with a garden hose through the empty filter canister (to avoid air pockets during filling) to a minimum level of 2 inches over the filter skimmer. Note: It is best to purchase a hose filter purifier to help eliminate organic and metallic contaminants from either city or well water.
Once the water has reached the correct level, remove the garden hose, replace the filter and basket or floating weir and turn the power on to the hot tub.
To activate the jets and purge air from the pump, press/push the Jet 1 button on the top side control. A second press/ push will put the pump at high speed. Repeat this process until water flows from the jets. When the jets are working, set the pump to a low speed.
Add chemicals to your water before heating the water.
a) Add an entire bottle of Leisure Time® Metal Gon for every 500 gallons of freshwater. Let the hot tub jets run for 30 minutes. You will need to wait 24 hours before adding any other chemicals.
b) Test the water with test strips for pH, total alkalinity, calcium hardness, and chlorine levels. Slowly sprinkle the correctly measured granular products into the water. Doing so directly over the filter basket or floating weir is an ideal location.
c) If the pH of the water is below 6.8 ppm, add 2 oz. (4 tbsp.) of Spa Up for every 500 gallons of water. If the pH is between 6.8-7.2 ppm, add 1 oz. (2 tbsp.) of Spa Up for every 500 gallons of water.
d) If the Alkalinity of the water is below 80 ppm, add 1/2 oz. (1 tbsp.) of Alkalinity Increaser for every 200 gallons of water.
e) If the calcium hardness is below 180 ppm, add 1 oz. (2 tbsp.) of Leisure Time® Calcium Booster for every 500 gallons of water.
f) Let the hot tub jet run at high speed for 20 minutes and retest in 24 hours. If any of the levels are low on the test strip repeat the step above.
g) Once the water is balanced, take the filter cartridge out of the hot tub, then insert the Nature2® Spa stick inside the hole. Re-install the cartridge filter back into the hot tub.
h) Add 1/2 oz. (1 tbsp.) of Leisure Time® Renew® for every 250 gallons of water.
i) Add 1/2 oz. (1 tbsp.) of Leisure Time® Spa 56 for every 250 gallons of water.
j) Let the chemicals run in the hot tub for 24 hours; retest the water to ensure that the water is accurately balanced.
Let the hot tub run until it reaches the time-out time (approximately 15 minutes) at which point it will drop to low speed. Let it run on low speed for an additional 15-20 minutes before reinstalling the cover to allow all the off-gassing to finish.
Set the temperature located on the top side control to the desired setting. The heater will shut off when the water temperature reaches the set temperature. The default is 100°F. The time it takes for the water temperature to reach the desired setting will vary.
Your hot tub topside control should be set to run for at least 6 hours a day.
Place the hot tub cover on the tub. Keeping the cover on the hot tub when not in use. This will help minimize operating costs. Your hot tub is now ready to enjoy!
Weekly Maintenance Guide
Test the water with test strips for pH, total alkalinity, calcium hardness, and chlorine levels before each use or at least once a week. Only add the chemicals below if levels are low on the test strip.
Add 1/2 oz. (1 tbsp.) of Leisure Time® Spa 56 for every 250 gallons of water once a week or when chlorine is at a 0-ppm.
Add 1/2 oz. (1 tbsp.) of Leisure Time® Renew per 250 gallons of water after every time the hot tub is used or once a week.
Add 1/2 oz. (1 tbsp.) of Alkalinity Increaser for every 200 gallons of water if the level is below 80 ppm.
Add 1 oz. (2 tbsp.) of Spa Up (pH increaser) for every 500 gallons of water if the level is below 7.2 ppm.
Let the hot tub run until it reaches the time-out time (approximately 15 minutes) at which point it will drop to low speed. Let it run on low speed for an additional 15-20 minutes before reinstalling the cover to allow all the off-gassing to finish.
Things To Remember
Ozonator: Ozone reduces the amount of sanitation chemicals required to keep your water clean, but it does not eliminate it.
A low pH and Alkalinity reading can cause equipment corrosion or scale formation.
Water containing low calcium will corrode equipment and may cause foaming.
Using a non-chlorine oxidizing shock, Renew® will effectively reduce odor-causing ammonia and chloramines, as well as soaps and oils.
Using Leisure Time® Spa 56 once a week or when chlorine is at a 0-ppm reading will remedy problems such as cloudy water, algae, and other types of bacteria that will grow in warm water.
After a power loss, reset the temperature and filter cycle. (Refer to the instructions below).
Replace the Nature2 Spa® stick every 4 months.
It is recommended that the water should be changed every 4 months or as needed to maintain water quality.
Before draining the water:
a) Remove the cartridge filter(s) and discard the Nature2 Spa® stick. (Clean or replace with new cartridge filter(s))
b) Add a bottle of Leisure Time® Jet Clean.
c) Let the hot tub run for 15 minutes.
d) Turn the hot tub off and let it sit for 1 hour.
e) Turn the hot tub back on and let it run for 15 minutes.
f) Drain the hot tub using a submersible pump and hose, then clean the shell.
g) Refill using the “Initial Startup or Water Refill” Instructions.
How To Clean The Cartridges
Take the cartridge filter(s) out at least once a month to be cleaned. The cartridge filter(s) can be cleaned by rinsing first, then soaking in a filter cleaner. NOTE: Cartridge filters can also be cleaned in the dishwasher using a granular detergent.
Leisure Time® Filter Clean
Add 16 oz. of the solution to 4 gallons of water in a large plastic bucket or garbage barrel.
This solution concoction will treat up to 2 cartridge filters.
Allow the cartridge filter(s) to soak for at least 3 hours; however, soaking overnight is ideal.
Remove the cartridge filter(s) from the cleaning solution and rinse before returning to the hot tub.
Pleatco Spa Filter Wash™
Rinse the cartridge filter(s), then add one tablet to a water-filled bucket.
Each tablet cleans up to 2 cartridge filters.
Allow the cartridge filters(s) to soak for 25 minutes; filter cartridges that are larger/taller may need an additional 25 minutes.
Rinse the cartridge filter(s) before returning to the hot tub. Cartridge filters can also be cleaned in the dishwasher using a granular detergent.
Restarting Your Nordic Spa After Winterizing
Normally all union connections will be reconnected and tight on all pumps and the heater barrel, but if they were left disconnected, reconnect and ensure that all the pump drain plugs are secure. Fill the tub with water above all the jets and turn the power to the hot tub on and run the pump at high speed for 10 minutes. This will help flush the residue of the antifreeze out of the plumbing.
Next, drain the tub, clean the sides with an approved cleaner, place your filter back into the filter canister, re-fill your tub, and balance your chemicals.
We recommend using Leisure Time Jet Clean to clean out the jets of any organic residue or algae left inside the plumbing. If you decide not to use the Jet Clean, be aware that you may notice more foaming than average when you first start using your tub, this can be reduced with anti-foaming agents and generally gets better over the first week or two of usage as the filter removes the anti-freeze and organic residue left behind after rinsing and cleaning.
Check your filter at least once weekly and rinse it out as needed for the first few weeks. You may also find it necessary to soak your filter in a filter cleaner after a few days, depending on the level of contaminant left in the tub after the restart.
A Couple Of Things To Be Aware Of
When a tub is drained and left empty, o-rings and pump seals can dry out and lessen their ability to seal properly. It would be best if you closely inspected for small leaks in the equipment area following your restart. If you are unsure of the location of the o-rings and pump seal, contact the retail store for help. If replaced early, the damage caused by these failures can be less expensive to fix.
Before using your hot tub, you must get your water tested. Having a balanced hot tub is a healthy hot tub! You won’t be using unnecessary chemicals. You will reduce the development of algae and cloudy water.
How To Read & Program The Topside Control Panel
Snyder Pools recommends setting your hot tub filtration to F3 or F4 (cooler months add extra time)
Single Pump System
Press “Warm” then “Jets”. Press “Warm or Cool” to adjust. Press “Jets” to exit.
Operation Guide for All-In-110, Classic Round, Modern Series or Sport Edition.
Two Pump Systems (Luxury Series)
Press “Warm” then “Jets”. Press “Warm or Cool” to adjust. Press “Jets” to exit.
Operation Guide for the Luxury Series.
Mode Setting
Press “Warm” or “Cool,” then press “Mode”
Standard Mode: “Std” maintains a set temperature
Economy Mode: “Ecn” heats the hot tub to temperature only during the filter cycle.
Sleep Mode: “Slp” heats the hot tub to within 20° F of the set temperature.
Troubleshooting Guide
Most water conditions can be resolved by the recommended solutions below. Extreme conditions may warrant draining and refilling the hot tub. Stains or calcium deposits may require attention before refilling. It is recommended that the water be changed every 4 months or as needed to maintain water quality.
Help Prevent Algae Growth
Add 1-2 fl. oz. (2-4 tbsp.) of Leisure Time® Spa Algaecide for every 500 gallons of water once weekly.
Help Eliminate Algae Growth
Clean filter cartridges.
Increase hot tub filtration time on your topside control panel till the water is clear.
Add 6-8 fl. oz. (12-16 tbsp.) of Leisure Time® Spa Algaecide for every 500 gallons of water.
Add 1 oz. (2 tbsp.) of Leisure Time® Renew per 250 gallons of water.
Add 1 oz. (2 tbsp.) of Leisure Time® Spa 56 per 250 gallons of water.
Help With Cloudy Water
Increase hot tub filtration time on your topside control panel until the water is clear.
Clean filter cartridges.
Add 1 oz. (2 tbsp.) of Leisure Time® Renew per 250 gallons of water.
Add 1 oz. (2 tbsp.) of Leisure Time® Spa 56 per 250 gallons of water.
Add 1 fl. oz. (2 tbsp.) of Leisure Time® Bright & Clear for every 400 gallons of cloudy water and let the hot tub run until the water is clear.
Help With Foamy Water
Add 1/2 oz. (1 tbsp.) of Leisure Time® Foam Down to visible foam areas on the water's surface.
Help With Scaling
Add 2fl. oz. (4 tbsp.) of Leisure Time® Defender to up to 800 gallons of water.
Avoid Buildup At The Waterline
Add 1fl. oz. (2 tbsp.) of Leisure Time® Enzyme for every 250 gallons of water to once weekly.
Place one Scumbug Sponge into the hot tub water to improve filtration in a clean hot tub and helps to prevent the formulation of the scum line.
How to clean the interior of the hot tub
Spray Leisure Time® Citrabright directly on the hot tub shell surface. Wipe clean with a damp sponge or towel.
Keeping a Glossy Finish
Apply Leisure Time® Fast Gloss (shake well before using) to the surface using a dry cloth. Spread it evenly to one area at a time using a circular overlapping motion. Allow the Fast Gloss 10-15 minutes to dry before wiping off the residue with a new dry cloth.
Quick Measurement Conversion Guide
2 oz. = 4 tbsp
1 ½ oz. = 3 tbsp
1 oz. = 2 tbsp
¾ oz. = 1 1/2 tbsp
½ oz. = 1 tbsp
¼ oz. = ½ tbsp
Ideal Chemical Levels
Free Chlorine: 05-1 ppm using Nature2® Spa stick (1-3 ppm without), pH: 7.2-7.8ppm
Alkalinity: 80-120ppm
Stabilizer (Cyanuric Acid): 40-100 ppm
Total Hardness: 150-400ppm
We provide you only with the best selection of high-quality hot tub.
Our hot tub installation services are available in areas such as:
Keene, New Hampshire
Bedford, New Hampshire
Nashua, New Hampshire
Amherst, New Hampshire
Burlington/ Billerica, Massachusetts
Littleton Ma, Westford, Massachusetts
Worcester area, Massachusetts
Boylston, Massachusetts