Above Ground Swimming Pool New Customer Page

Swimming Pool New Customer Page

Congratulations on the Purchase of a Snyder Swimming Pool!


What to expect in the upcoming weeks:

  1. Contact your installer to inform him you have purchased a new above-ground pool from Snyder Pools. Let him know you are ready for him to inspect your property.

  2. Apply for a building permit.

    • Ask the building inspector about bylaws and zoning setbacks. These may change the location of your above-ground pool.

    • The permit will list the homeowner as the general contractor and the installer as the sub-contractor. (Homeowner is listed as a general contractor because you will be responsible for the swimming pool location and also having a licensed electrician complete the hard wiring of the pool equipment.)

    • The building inspector will ask for the following:

      • The location of your swimming pool on a plot plan.

      • If applicable the septic plan.

      • For the type of ladder, you are purchasing. (Bring your swimming pool contract which lists all equipment)

  3.  Your installer will come out to your property to discuss your options for installation. Once you have agreed on the pool’s location and cost of installation, a deposit will be required. If the installer doesn't receive a deposit, he assumes you are not ready to proceed with the installation of your above-ground swimming pool.

  4. Contact a licensed electrician to hardwire and around your swimming pool and pump. We have a list of recommended licensed electricians.

  5. We will call to set up delivery of your above-ground pool. At this time, we will require your remaining balance to be paid in full. (Any amount over $4000.00 is subject to a 3% fee if using a credit card)

  6.  We will deliver your entire pool kit to your property. We will be leaving the pool kit in boxes on a pallet; we recommend that you place a tarp over the boxes to protect them from the weather.

  7. Once your pool is installed, call the retail store to set up pool school.

  8. Bring a water sample to the retail store to get tested for the proper balancing chemicals.

  9. Time to jump in and enjoy!

How long does it take to install your above ground pool?

Your above ground pool is designed for easy and fast installation within three to five days, your pool can be up and ready for swimmers.

Are there any zoning laws I should be aware of when installing an above ground pool?

You should always check with your local governing bodies about regional zoning laws BEFORE installing your above ground pool. Some areas have specific building codes or permit requirements that may necessitate modifications to your installation plans.

What to expect to prepare for your above ground pool?

  • Detailed information on setting up your Snyder pool will be provided by the installer.

  • The ideal location needs to be level, on firm ground that is not asphalt, tar, or oil-based.

  •  Removal of grass in the area needs to be done and be careful not to place the pool on the ground treated with weed killer or other chemicals.

As the ground is being prepared for your new pool, to ensure the following are not in the way contact DigSafe® by dialing 811 or 888-DIG-SAFE:

  • Electrical wires (including underground lines)

  • Gas lines

  • Septic tanks

  • Cesspools

  • Dry wells

  • Tree roots and stumps

  • Buried debris (trees and building materials, for example)

  • Sudden slopes within 6 feet of the pool area.

Radiant Swimming Pool Installations by Phoenix Contracting, Inc.

Michael Mastaler (603) 499-0168
Home Improvement Contractor Registration number email Lindsey@snyderpools.com 

Swimming Pool New Customer Page

2022 Installation Schedule:

Please note: Installations are running 4-6 weeks behind. 

Customer Name

1. McG

2. Con

3. Spa

4. Car

5. Kou

6. Gas

7. Rob

7. And

8. Bun

Fantasy/Distinction/Discovery Swimming Pool Installations by Craig LaBatt

Craig Labatt (603) 769-9570

If you need Craig’s Home Improvement Contractor Registration number please email Lindsey@snyderpools.com 

2022 Installation Schedule:

Customer Name

Richard Dewey & Sons Electric
(978) 855-2789

Swimming Pool
Water Delivery
Clark Pool Water
(978) 355-6141

Futune Plumbing
(508) 751-5325

Resonant Pixel Company

Founder & CEO of Resonant Pixel Co.  I've been creating websites since 1996, started with Squarespace in 2010, and now create and manage website as a productized service. 


Inground Swimming Pool Available For Spring 2023 Installations


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